Best Paper Award
Quantization of constrained processor data paths applied to Convolutional Neural Networks
Barry de Bruin, Zoran Zivkovic and Henk Corporaal
CoNNA – Compressed CNN Hardware Accelerators
Rastislav Struharik, Bogdan Vukobratović, Andrea Erdeljan and Damjan Rakanović
Best Student Paper Award
Guards in Action: First-Order SCA Secure Implementations of Ketje without Additional Randomness
Victor Arribas, Svetla Nikova and Vincent Rijmen
Memory Aware Packet Matching Architecture for High-Speed Networks
Michal Kekely, Lukáš Kekely and Jan Korenek
Best Poster Award
RailCheck: A WSN-based system for condition monitoring of railway infrastructure
Jan Sramota and Amund Skavhaug
Design Space Exploration for Mixed-Criticality Embedded Systems considering Hypervisor-based SW Partitions
Vittoriano Muttillo, Giacomo Valente and Luigi Pomante